Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I promise this will not be a pity party.Well, mostly.(: I have been thinking lately about why I have been consistenly struggling to deal with not having my mom around. I am weak, that's for sure, but I wonder if it's something else. I'm not sure where to put her. Where she belongs in my life. When she was alive I knew. That was easy. We talked every day and spent time with eachother just about as often. She was one of my anchors in life. But that's not our relationship anymore. It can't be. So, what is our relationship now? How can I have the memories and not so much of the pain? How can she have a place in my life now and still leave me the ability to heal? Why am I still waiting for her to come back and make everything right again? Because that's not going to happen. I have to find a way to make things right again without her. Even writing that sentence makes me cringe inside. I'm really not sure how to do this. I need to find a way to forge a new bond with her. I bond that lets me keep her close in my heart but move away from the pain and anger I feel about her leaving. Right now those two things are far too entwined. Separating them can be done, I'm pretty sure. It just sounds scary and painful. Good thing I have a brother who knows just exactly how I'm feeling and what to do. Maybe I should rely on him. Maybe I should have relied on him more all along.

1 comment:

daled said...

I think you are well on your way to getting your questions answered. You have had the answers all along. My question is "WHY". Why have I been so blessed to have such a caring, kind, talented, and beautiful daughter. I think I know the answer. It is because Heavenly Father knew that I would need your help in meeting the challenges of this life. When I look at you, I see your mother. She is never far away and I know she is very proud of you. You do get it, laying your burdens at His feet and allowing him to help carry them is the only way we will get through this veil of tears. He wants to help, and will, if we let him. I love you!